Monday, 5 October 2015

Solar cabinet dryer, the heat from the sun couple with the wind has been used to dry food crops for preservation for the thousand years. Drying depends upon, temperature, humidity, quality of air used, size of the piece to be dried, physical structure and composition.  Heat is not the only factor which is necessary for drying. The condition, quality and amount of air passed over and through the pieces to be dried. The amount of moisture contained in the air to be used for the drying important and is referred to as relative humidity. There are three basic design in which others are based,(1) cabinet dryer (2) tent dryer (3) tunnel dryer. The cabinet dryer has three types (1) cabinet dryer with chimney (2) cabinet dryer with blower (3) cabinet dryer with ventilator

One of the most common type of dryer is the tray of cabinet dryer. In Solar cabinet dryer,  all types of fruits, vegetables, spices, herbs, see foods etc can dry. The dryer has two compartments: one for collecting solar radiation and producing thermal energy and the other for spreading the product to be dried. This arrangement was made to absorb maximum solar radiation by the absorber plate. In this dryer, the product was loaded beneath the absorber plate, which prevented the problem of discoloration due to irradiation by direct sunlight. Cabinet dryers available at various size according to its loading capacity and what we want to dry. we have small capacity to big capacity cabinet dryer.

In cabinet dryer flat plate collector is used from where atmosphere air entered with the sun rays. When sun rays mix with atmospheric air then atmospheric air become hot and that hot air used for the drying of various fruits, vegetables, spices, herbs etc. this dried fruits, vegetables, spiced, herbs, we can preserve it for many years and can use any time. Due to naturally sun drying, the taste and colour of our foods remain same. Food drying in solar cabinet dryer is a way to preserve fruit, vegetables, and animal proteins after harvest. Solar food drying involves the use of a solar dryer designed and built specifically for this purpose. Solar drying is distinctly different from open air "sun drying," which has been used for thousands of years. Solar cabinet dryer dries food much faster than air drying. It can achieve higher food drying temperature, control airflow and temperature, and keep food protected while drying.Solar cabinet dryer with ventilator, the heat from the sun couple with the wind has been used to dry food crops for preservation for the thousand years. In cabinet dryer with ventilator flat plate collector is used from where atmosphere air entered with the sun rays. When sun rays mix with atmospheric air then atmospheric air become hot and that hot air used for the drying of various fruits, vegetables, spices, herbs etc. this dried fruits, vegetables, spiced, herbs, we can preserve it for many years and can use any time. Due to ventiltor sun drying, the taste and colour of our foods remain same. Food drying in solar cabinet dryer is a way to preserve fruit, vegetables, and animal proteins after harvest. Solar food drying involves the use of a solar dryer designed and built specifically for this purpose. Solar drying is distinctly different from open air "sun drying," which has been used for thousands of years. Solar cabinet dryer dries food much faster than air drying. It can achieve higher food drying temperature, control airflow and temperature, and keep food protected while drying

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