Monday, 5 October 2015

 Solar tunnel dryer, Drying is used to remove water from foods for two reasons: to prevent microorganisms and hence preserve the food and to reduce the weight and bulk of food for cheaper transport and storage. When carried out correctly, the nutritional quality, colour, flavor and texture of rehydrated foods are slightly less than fresh food but, for most people, this has only minor nutritional significance as dried foods form one component in the diet. However, if drying is carried out incorrectly there is a greater loss of nutritional and eating qualities and more seriously, a risk of microbial spoilage and possibly even food poisoning. , the heat from the sun couple with the wind has been used to dry food crops for preservation for the thousand years. Drying depends upon, temperature, humidity, quality of air used, size of the piece to be dried, physical structure and composition.  Heat is not the only factor which is necessary for drying. The condition, quality and amount of air passed over and through the pieces to be dried. The amount of moisture contained in the air to be used for the drying important and is referred to as relative humidity.
Drying procedure in cabinet dryer and tunnel dryer is same, little minor different is that, in solar cabinet dryer heating and drying process both are done in different place.  But in solar tunnel dryer, heating and drying is done in one place.

 Many solar dryers employ use the photovoltaic cells to power fans to blow air across the drying area. By using a fan to create the air flow, drying time can be reduce substantially. Air flow across an area usually painted black to absorb the sun’s heat and  and is blow across the tray containing the material to be dried.

Solar tunnel dryer available at various size according to its loading capacity and what we want to dry. we have small capacity to big capacity cabinet dryer. All types of spices, fruits, vegetables, herbs can dry in solar tunnel dryer

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